School-Parent Communication

Parent Orientation

Parent attendance is required at the annually scheduled parent orientation meeting. The orientation addresses practical and routine matters, as well as communicating vision and purpose for the new school year.

Monday Mailers

Each Monday, students are sent home with an envelope containing timely information. Please read the enclosed materials, sign and date the envelope, placing in it any correspondence you wish to send to the school, and return it by Wednesday of each week. 

Academic/Conduct Progress Reports

Each quarter teachers may send home progress reports (5 weeks into the new quarter) outlining how your child is progressing. Progress Reports reflect not only a student's academic progress, but also conduct and character issues. These are due backed signed the following day. 

Report Cards

Report Cards are issued at the end of each quarter. They are sent home with the student and are to be returned with a parent signature the next day. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to your child's teacher. The final report card is mailed a week after the school's closing, pending payment of all financial obligations. 

School Cancellations

In the event school will need have a delayed start or be cancelled due to inclement weather, we will make such announcement on both the school Facebook page and at   


Miss Robillard -
Mr. Finn -
Mrs. Finn -