As a discipleship arm of Master Builder Ministries, a New Testament Church, and in partnership with other Bible believing churches and their families, we desire to raise a generation of youth that will take seriously the Great Commission of Christ and embrace a vision of evangelism, restoration, and dominion at every level, from the individual, to the family, church and to the nations of the world.
We wish to train leaders in this next generation for every field of society, who view any calling of God as full-time Christian service.
We wish to train young people who are Christian scholars who have an understanding of how to study, research, and produce solutions through Biblical reasoning, which will help them to “salt and light” every area of life.
We wish to train leaders in this next generation for every field of society, who view any calling of God as full-time Christian service.
We wish to train young people who are Christian scholars who have an understanding of how to study, research, and produce solutions through Biblical reasoning, which will help them to “salt and light” every area of life.
We wish to restore the memory of the next generation regarding America’s Christian history and government, one resting on Biblical principles, which will help us set our vision higher for this generation.
We desire to see the school as a training ground for the future leaders of the Body of Christ. To do this, we encourage and allow students to regularly exercise gifts and ministries of the Spirit, birthed and empowered by prayer, praise and worship, and service to others.
We desire to spread the vision of this school through conferences and outreach teams of students, teachers and parents, and college level training.
We desire to see all ages move together in this vision, willing to be radical, willing to pay the price, with a total commitment to occupy all areas of the Kingdom of God, and willing to understand that we will either change and reform society or be martyred by it.

The Elementary Years
The training students receive at East Gate Christian Academy, along with the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit, is geared to equip students to be leaders in any field of endeavor. Service to the community and the church and loyalty to the family are crucial aspects of this training. Dedication to Jesus Christ and a fervent desire to follow Him are cultivated, along with the renewal of the mind with the word of God applied to every subject at the very root. This begins at the start, in Kindergarten, where students are learning to read, as well as enjoying the fellowship of others and looking towards the older students as role models. With joint worship and teaching at scheduled chapels, there is a sense of unity cultivated, a sense of a combined effort between students, parents, and teachers, to unleash the power and joy of Christ’s Kingdom to one another and to the world.
Throughout the elementary years, students are trained in the foundational academic skills and taught the unchanging principles of the Word of God, principles which reflect His nature, and which build His character into us. Later, these same principles are seen clearer through application to the problems of society and development of solutions for this generation and its confusion. The daily responsibilities of obedience to the vision of spiritual dedication and service to others, along with self-government and academic excellence, mold the minds, hearts and abilities of the children, preparing them for their future.
The Harvest Years
The Junior and Senior High years we see as the years of harvest. The training of the past is now utilized in the application of ministry in the present. Outreaches, community service, training in composition and debate, deeper studies in the application of the principles of God to all their subjects and to problems of today all combine producing the fruit of the earlier training. Students are taught the balance of respecting adults while asking for reasons. They are seeing themselves as leaders in the school, with others looking up to them and the Lord calling them to reach out and direct the younger ones, joining their generations together.

The Fruit
When time for graduation arrives, we have seen the growth and development of a Christian young man or woman, one who has tasted of the ministry of the Lord according to his/her own personal gifts, and has seen His provision, love and power towards them in his/her own life. Some have traveled many miles and spoken many words, but all have declared God’s glory in word and deed.